Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Act Won: Scene Won: Encore, Narrator

Breathing - deep unadulterated breaths, always unleashes the beast.

Her lips, like scarlet ribbons, swam across her face, danced across the stage
and found their designated place within my mind
I was thinking of sex, of course, and she was thinking "of course of course"
and through the static darkness of her audience, I smiled when she turned to look my way.

That day was not definitive
like the coffee beginnings and milky endings of every day before

Oh I was still a whore, don't get me wrong, but
suddenly I knew a different shade of grey
the balanced hue of an unmerited, redeeming rain
and she, well she knew this truth,
"If not me, than who?"

Watching her mouth was something like a walk on the moon
each move carefully calculated as to prevent the overstepping into infinite space
because laws like gravity don't exist in a love like this
and she was fully aware of my obvious stare,
huddled over my theatre seat,
in perfect contemplation of what I'd do with her teeth

...something about my tongue playing the xylophone...

Breathing - deep, pure breaths, always unlocks the creature within

Her eyes, like polished mirrors, reflected my fears
as she was the type that understood the condition of
man and what humans become when merely content
with their circumstances as opposed to
willing to die for happiness

...I'll die a thousand deaths for this...

Naturally, I was focused on her heaving breasts,
knowing that honesty would provide the rest,
so long as I was faithful to the awful mess of
blood and muscle in my chest

I didn't mean to rhyme so much

I didn't mean to say any of that

what I mean is

what's a girl like her doing with a guy like me?

what am I doing standing in my seat?

what is she doing walking towards me?

why are the curtains closing, people clapping, roses dropping?


[Now breathe with me and let the monster live]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is better than "sex and chex-mix"