Monday, October 6, 2008

amor nervosa

poets never know the extent to which they effect the world
they are butterfly wings on an open sea
oblivious to tsunamis

as it goes - we are all poets
crawling, hiding, changing, flying
waiting for the day when death proves us wrong

he dabbled with the finer points
felt-tip pens and black ink ribbons
he tore the earth apart in search of words
and what he found was a desperate need
to simply love those very things
he sought to capture in written verse

coffee cakes now decorate the inside of her mind
butter leaves
rbread acorns
hot vanil
la lattes
all vices
for an invalid and yet
when she bring
s herself around
she wets the appet
ite of my humility

ity does that to me
gets me off and turns
me on
ds me I'm nothing but
a fierc
e and wonderful number
on the abacu
s of life

[i need to make this abacist my wife]

the born-
agains will think me something awful
but I will satis
fy their peculiar lust for prophecy
e to them their Antichrist
ify the truth of lies
that what we speak
on earth
will be true in heave
se when it comes down to it
the Holy Spiri
t is just another name for
Hope Defer
both of which
make my heart sick
and God can suck my prick
if He think
s I'll fast in flames
ly in the night
I'll share
my plight and scream into the secret place
every face is turned upon the Lamb
I'll be the burning man
who keeps
the saints awake
for Chris
t's sake
I'm finis
hed with this myth.

The femin
ine boys will swallow love like Ipecac
ing what they deem to be inspiration
ing their ideology on the world
ng the masculine girls
into think
ing they are unique
but that'
s what they think
are clever creatures in the end
and see throu
gh vain attempts to act like men
the funny
thing is
they seem to adore
and if despe
rate enough, will take us in
nue the nurturing process
that our mothe
rs failed to complete
eling our belly buttons
to creat
e proverbial umbilical cords
made from the scrap
s of
oblivious concern
the notion we will change

and thus a shall
ow relationship is created
from the seed of '
so the funni
er thing is
both hers and his
lity to admit
shit happe
and somet
imes its fun to play in it

The fathe
rless will become whores with hardened hearts
trusting men
but then
they never
trust themselves
they will tampe
r with habitual sin
and enter
in to vicious cycles
of depen
ring their free will useless
to enlis
t in the listless army
of passi
ve-aggressive tendencies
are the ones to be cautious of
ng hook, line and sinker
for anyth
ing even resembling
a chanc
e to love or be loved
they will sink into the ink
of the octopus

wayward fish
who think
they must counter the flow
but barel
y learn to swim
on their
own accord
silly little fishies
the beak of the squid
will swall
ow you whole

he tinke
red with the duller points
ard strokes and left button clicks
he tore the earth
apart in search of what
he deeme
d to be a perfect reason to live:
a reaso
n to live
and what he found
was a desperate excuse
to exist
within the confines of
rt and casual conversation
the wealt
hy make acquisitions
the poor make merge
he never
knew an extremist he liked
he never
met a moderate he respected
and it hit him squar
e between the eyes
we creat
e the meaning and essence
of our lives

We are, We realize, We become, and We define

the lines
inside her palm
outward to the sea
i float
inside her longevity
she is the starl
ing passerine I desire
ed lightly on her enigmatic branch
ful and full of song
and here I have been chasi
ng swans all along!
i love she loves
her father
and love him just as well
for fathe
rs can shape the sound of a woman's bell
and hers is too soon divin
but not rung soon enoug
in the tower
of my mind

I can never
destroy my ego
but i will take down the princ
ipalities of elitism in my life
has many minions at it's side
and I...
I will defec
ate on those that equip themselves with these attributes
I will refus
e service to many
and have compa
ssion on the few
I will choos
e to ignore the spectacle that has been made of mercy
- freely given - to draw the eyes of the ignorant
I wont be foole
d by impostors
by ackno
wledging my own pretense
I will have enoug
h sense to discern the 6th realm
and every
dimension that follows
The hollo
w space between my dreams and vision
will have incis
ions made along it's spine
to allow
the gases of procrastination to
pate into the sky
And I.
..I will fight those that rise against me
to find that peace
is only present
when the viole
nt are at rest
The best is yet to come.

poets never know the extent to which they effect the world
they are caterpillars in the garden
oblivious to their insignificance

as it goes - we are all poets
in a world that needs more than words

and the birds of our desire will be our end.