Sunday, January 4, 2009

the nonsequential gods we aren't

"If God is Love than I want nothing to do with either."
But he didn't mean this. In fact, he didn't know what he meant to be exact, but he knew he didn't mean that.

"If God is Love, than maybe we are gods."
She spread her arms out like wings and walked on the curb like a balance beam.

"If we are gods, than we will need to die one day."
But he didn't like the sound of this.

"We all have to die eventually. God,"
She stopped and stood on the edge of the walk, her arms still stretched apart.

"Well then I don't see a need for faith."
But he didn't like the sound of this either.

"Sometimes we need faith in each other and faith that we wont live forever."
She turned to him and gazed into his eyes.

"I don't need faith to see my mortality, or people to believe in me."
But he definitely didn't mean this, no matter how hard he tried.

"Well then we are simply going to have to stay alive and stay in love."
She wrapped her arms around him, smiled, and kissed his cheek, for faith was exactly what she had in him.

...and finally, he believed.

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