Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Sometime between 18 and 30,
an individual must decide for themselves
whether or not this Jesus thing
is nothing more than a pyramid scheme,
fashioned from a time-traveling Carl Jung,
or the real deal from Israel;
the pudding-pop of proof.
( or at least -circumstantial evidence)
Before or after those short twelve years,
it's all for not ~
being either
lost inside the claws of indoctrination
found inside a deathbed conversion.
The version of salvation may be varied
but the fear that serves as catalyst remains.

Finding myself within those precious few years before a decision must be made
I find solace in the human race - of all places.
If ignorance is bliss (as it would seem)
than fear is eternal happiness,
both of which remain too good to be true.
I have never known a perfect ignoramus,
just as I have yet to meet a truly happy human being,
And I often think we cling to certain fears
in order to fuel the flames of ignorance
that burn the coals of joy.

Sometime between 18 and 30,
an individual must decide for themselves
whether or not this Love thing
is nothing more than the Devil's scheme,
fashioned from mammalian byproducts,
or the real deal for all to feel;
the J-E-L-L-O of life
(It's aliiive)
Before or after those short twelve years,
it's all for not ~
save for
the starry-eyed child beyond it's years
the wonder-wall adult with a youthful heart.
Start this stanza again and you'll notice
there is no question to the Devil's existence

Finding myself within these precious few years has been a grueling task
In searching for answers, I find more questions to ask
If love is blind (as we've been taught)
than hatred sees infinity,
both of which remain too true to be good
I have never known a love that could not see,
just as I have yet to hate with acuity.
And I often think we cling to dull ideals
in order to maintain the vision of love
that visually impaired parents handed us

Sometime between 18 and 30,
an individual must decide for themselves
whether or not this Life thing
is nothing more than Death's grand scheme,
fashioned from Chance cards and Community Chest pardons,
or the real deal for us to steal
from destiny's grand mold
(There's always room for the Bold)
Before or after those short twelve years
it's all for not ~
for we are
the inquisitive children without concern or care
the indifferent offspring of a forgotten yesteryear.
Here is our greatest challenge:
To live, to love, to believe.

As for me - I will find myself in all three;
a faithful, happy, blind man deep in love ~
Sometime between eighteen and thirty.

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