Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Go to Hell, Do not Collect $200: Unspoken Thoughts

If we are what we eat, do bulimics suffer from identity crisis?

Does the large number of Vietnamese transsexuals have any connection to the most common Vietnamese surname of Tran?

If Jesus had come to modern America to "save the world", I think he would have been a good combination of David Blain, Richard Simmons, and Woody Allen, performing street magic, spreading love, and being one hell of a witty Jew, eventually dying from liver disease after performing his ol "water into wine" trick, one too many times.

I think the punishment for prostitution should be the loss of a limb, because paraplegic whores are hot.

Midgets should not have equal rights until they become equal people.

Racism makes more sense to me then Genocide, so it’s difficult for me to understand individuals who complain about discrimination in America. I'll take being stereotyped over burning alive any day.

While men may strive to obtain the virgin paradox - having the sex be great but not wanting to know how the sex got that great - they will still settle for the lascivious verity - it's dirty, cheap, and just like a bucket of water

If God ends up being a giant chicken, I am going to ask him three things:

1) Which came first, you or the egg?
2) Why did you cross the road?
3) Don't you think it was a little egotistical to make everything taste like you?

If I were an overweight woman, I would never shop at clothing boutiques like Torrid and Lane Bryant. While they make being fat the new black, every shopping experience would be like an unsuccessful AA meeting. "Hi, I have a problem, but instead of working hard to solve it, I am going to indulge in my weakness and alter my wardrobe instead of my lifestyle."

When the "Power greater than ourselves restoring us to Sanity" is Spandex, something is wrong.
Coincidentally, both Torrid and AA meetings offer free doughnuts at the door.

1 comment:

TreDawgDLV said...

Something about jesus being a witty jewish alcoholic chicken that can perform card tricks helps me get through the day.

I think you need to go to Rome, visit the Pope, and let him know how you plan to revamp Sunday Mass.