Tuesday, April 22, 2008

look lady, you got another thing coming, loving me
a doctor would tell you i'm hazardous to health
and well being
well, being these nuerotic tendencies don't seem to be leaving me any time soon,
am i to blame?
or is the fool following the fool?
not to insult your intelligence
but from what i can tell
i'm on a downward spiral past hell and into the bottomless pit of nothingness
like the witnesses tell you about
and i cease to exist
look lady, i'm not asking for pity
or even suggesting you would give it to me
i'm just trying to tell ya
that at this stage in life
certain traits and habits are hard to break
but if you think you can take it
that is - live with some sort of pristine love that covers up a multitude of sins
of which i have plenty
than i guess i can accept your unmerited favor

lady - you're crazy

and i like that about you.

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